How to install Automated Car Parking System for Commercial Places

How to install Automated Car Parking System for Commercial Places?

Before getting into the topic, it is necessary that you know the real meaning of commercial places. A place that provides you good returns, profits or where business is being done is called a commercial place. If you understand this, it will become much easier for you to realize the importance of parking systems at these places. And having an automated parking system can make the entire process so simple. With the sharp increase in usage of vehicles by people, it is important that you provide your customers with satisfying service. An automated parking system can provide that comfort for your customers. But what kind of parking system and how to install them?


Why Automated Parking Systems?

This can also be used for an introduction to the technology which you are going to have a piece of deep knowledge about. But you already might have an overview. An automated parking system is a technique that comprises of various latest technologies that help in providing a better parking experience for your customers by providing you with a good profit than that you receive from traditional parking ideas. There are so many benefits of using an automated parking system for your commercial building. Among all those benefits, a few of the important ones can be listed below as:

  • It provides complete satisfaction for your customers by reducing the stress that they face during parking. When the entire stress is reduced, you can get the maximum profit from a happy customer.
  • It helps in avoiding the unwanted mess and accidents that can happen in a traditional parking garage. When there are parking activities that take place simultaneously, there are many chances of various accidents that can occur. All these can be easily avoided using this automated parking system technology.
  • Help in providing a good environment for the people who are visiting your commercial buildings. Not just for the people, but it will also improve their mental health. With the honking horns, blaring voices and loud engines that can come from a traditional parking slot. It is impossible for any business person in providing a good and calm environment. But all these can be avoided using automated parking systems.
  • The next important reason is the space that can be saved by using these automated parking systems. If you are constructing a building that gets visitors of more than a hundred people, then it is not easy to construct a traditional parking slot for all these vehicles at ease without occupying much space. But an efficient automatic parking system can provide the same and even better facility with 40 times reduced space that a traditional parking lot might occupy.
  • Enhance the business value of your commercial or business in the market. When you provide good facilities for people along with quality products and services. There is a high chance that your company might witness the peak of its success.
  • You will have maximum utilization and productivity from an automated parking system with reduced cost, and thus, it is an important way of reaping a good profit.

Which are the best-automated parking systems for a commercial building?

It is important that you get to know the details about all the different kinds of parking systems that are available in the market. When you know the different options or choices from the market, it will be much easier for you to pick up the best option from the lot. It is important that you completely analyze about each kind of automated parking system, which will enhance the probability of choosing the best system for your commercial building.


The interesting puzzle type of automated parking system

This is one of the most interesting kinds of parking system that is available. The inspiration for this kind of parking system is obtained nearly from zig-zag puzzles where you move the blocks in vertical or horizontal directions in order to complete the entire puzzle. If you are wondering why this paragraph is talking about puzzles? Then the answer is that these automated parking lots also work in the same principle. This is not just an interesting kind of automated parking system that is available in the market but also an efficient one. This parking lot can have a maximum of 6 levels where it is of your choice in order for the number of levels that are required for your building. It is very easy to maintain, and the maintenance is of moderate cost. In this kind of parking, it becomes very easy for simultaneous exit and entries that can take place in the parking lot.


The two-step automated parking system

This is also a top priority model that is especially used in apartments and other commercial buildings. In this two-step model, you can find columns or stacks of levels where two vehicles can be parked in a single column. For example, imagine a wood plate on the ground and another wooden plate above it leaving some distance. This will be a similar structure to this kind of parking system. It is not necessary that you should only install a single stack or column in your building. But you can utilize the entire space and pick the number of stacks that you want. It is important to know that there are two processes that will be used to operate the vehicles that are placed above the stack. One mechanism is the mechanical format, and the other format is the hydraulic pressure format. This is also your choice. You can choose any kind of mechanism for your parking slot. Moreover, the vehicle at the topper position of the stack will stay longer than that is at the lower position. Hence, it provides complete utilization.


Lift the vehicles using an elevator automated parking system

Now, this is the introduction to a modern parking system which is also utilised in various commercial buildings including malls, apartments etc. All that this parking system does is that it acts as an elevator or lift. Where the cars that are being parked in this system can be lifted down and up with the help of wonderful techniques. If you are thinking that the entire plate that is moving downwards or upwards will have only a single vehicle, then you are completely wrong. This is because the plate that is moving down or up has the capacity to carry more than twelve to the range of eighty vehicles at a time. The entire automated parking system is easy to maintain and can be installed at affordable costs. If you are wondering about the technique that will be used for retrieving the vehicles from the perfect slot, then the answer is simple. All that you have to do is tell the registered number of your vehicle, and you can have your vehicle within minutes easily.


The multi-level automated parking system

This is nearly similar to the elevator automated parking system but changes with the functionalities and the features that this system has. One of the most important reasons behind people picking this kind of parking of parking system is the reduced use of space. This is like a stack of levels that can be properly fixed. Thus, only a minimal amount of space will be utilised for the process on the whole. It will be of great positive note for this kind of parking system. When the space is reduced, then the profit in using this automated parking system increases. Moreover, the many stacks of plates or levels can carry up to eighty vehicles or cars. This can be a huge one and thus enables to maintain many parking facilities at ease. Similar to the elevator model, the multi-level automated parking system also uses a lift that can be used to park and retrieve the vehicles from the storey.


Make your parking system a protected one.

One of the biggest complaints that usually occurs when the business people are using a traditional parking system is the accidents that take place in the garage. Be it the death of people due to the carelessness of the people trying to put in or take out their vehicles from the garage. Or the damage of vehicles that happens due to the rush and carelessness or even the lack of facilities in the parking slots. All these problems can be easily managed using these robotic automated parking systems. This system provides complete protection for both people and vehicles. This is because of the various sensors that are being utilised in this system which help in reducing the accidents and risks that can potentially take place in a parking slot.


The bottom line

Thus, all these are the different kinds of automated parking systems that are available in the market and are utilised by various commercial buildings. Before installing any automated parking system in your building. It is of great importance to know the different kinds of systems that are available, and this can be considered to be the first step. The next important step is to find professional service providers who can provide you with the proper setup that you need for your building at an affordable cost. So, once you have decided to install an automated parking system in your building, these two steps have to be given primary importance.